2008-10-11 14:37:22 UTC
Firstly, this is really only for those who know of the Role playing system from Chaosium called The Call of Cthulhu, feel free to answer if you don't, but obviously, don't expect to get the gold answer ;).
Now, a long while ago I played a campaign with my usual group which was based on 4 witches throughout the salem witch trials. One of these I remember was called Bridget Bishop (yes, I know this is based on the real person).
The idea was that you were being accused of witchcraft and you were to try and prove otherwise or find another way of escaping it. Eventually it moves on to modern day with 4 new characters, living descendants of the original 4.
Now I can't remember much about it, but playing Bridget at the time, I remember she had a doll that if you injured the doll whilst thinking of another, that would happen to whoever you were thinking of and the main deity in the scenario was Nyarlathotep.
Has anyone got the name of this scenario? I've been searching for over a year as I want to introduce it to a new group, but my DM cannot remember the name of it as it wasn't hers.
Any help would be much appreciated!