2013-06-16 09:39:27 UTC
1. What does this mean?
ATTACK: ___ (intelligence) vs. reflex
Is it your intel. Modifier plus your reflex modifier for your attack?
2. Do different powers require different weapons? If so, can "spell" count as an implement because my wizard never obtained an implement.
3. Am I correct on how to attack?
Start with picking a weapon or power on your character sheet. Lets say if I choose "spell." I roll a 20 sided die and and that to my weapon/power bonus which is +4. If I get higher than the monsters ac, I then move onto calculating damage on my at will power.
4. For a cleric it says I get a sword and an implement. On the next page I get a mace. Do I replace the mace with a sword?
I know that these are a lot of questions but thank you for reading.