where do you move on the chessboard to win every time?
2006-02-21 15:16:26 UTC
where do you move on the chessboard to win every time?
Two answers:
2006-03-05 08:43:41 UTC
When you figure that out, please let me know. It will save me 5 hours a week of chess related study.
2006-02-28 03:18:52 UTC
Depends on what is the type of the enemy we fights on. If he/she has a low skills, just use a pin. Pin likes get your bishop in one line with his/her knight and queen. His/her knight can's move because if it moves, you can get their queen. But watch out if he opens his knight and check your king. That's makes you must get away your king and gives your bishop by his/her queen if your bishop was open. Hope u understand.

One more skills I called fork. It's like get a piece without sacrifice others. Example : use your rook to fork the queen in vertical line and the knight in horizontal line. He/she must save the queen, so the knight was open. This trick really hard if your fork-piece doesn't covered by others.

I win almost everytime by using Sicilian defense opening. U can use your own opening to win.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.